A dev’s guide to resources #1-#4 at Mozfest22

Mozilla Festival 2022 is 7th to 11th of March 2022 and the USABLE tools resource team have prepared a short skill share video about our first four resources for the Mozfest audience. Mozfest is 100% free to attend, you only need to register for a ticket.
You can find the listing for our skill share on the Mozfest 2022 schedule. In the skill share video, we summarize what we discovered when talking with OSS tool teams, give brief explanations of the completed resources, explain how to use them, and show where to find them (here on this website!).
You can watch our video here on vimeo now that Mozfest 2022 has ended. We’re really proud of the work we’ve done on these first four resources and excited to see how they develop.